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Anchor 1
Our address is not posted because we are a private residence. Click on the image of the show you'd like to see and let us know how many seats to hold for you. We'll send you a confirmation email with all our information. THANKS!
(If links will not work for you, just send us an email:
[email protected] You may need to Cut-and paste this.)
Unless otherwise noted, doors open at 7:00, shows begin around 7:30,
usually asking a sliding scale donation of $20-40.
We are a BYOB venue.
We have openers and cups on hand.
Nearest place to buy beer and wine is the 7-11 at University and Sacramento.
A little bit further you'll find LEDGER'S LIQUORS, a veritable booze museum.
We hope that you will use some of the money you save on drinks
to support our performers by buying their merchandise.
NOTE: Reservation links do not always work on the mobile version of our site.
Please just email me directly.
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For as little as $1 a month, you can help keep the Monkey House alive through PATREON.
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